Download and read the Holy Quran by Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
Muslim believe that the Holy Quran was revealed only in the original classical Arabic.
But the importance of Islam grows and translations are needed. This version, the Yusuf Ali Quran is the most faithful translation available in English.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali was an muslim scholar born in India who translated the Holy Quran into English.
When he was a child he received religious education, he studied English Literature and went to several European universities. He concentrate his efforts on the study of the Quran.
In 1934 he began to translate the Holy Quran which was published in 1938, in Lahore, India.
He died in London in 1953.
His translation became the most used English version of the Holy book.
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Discover this Beautifully written version of the Quran, the Word of Allah.
Download our app and have the complete Quran, organized into chapters called Suras and each one of these is divided into verses (ayahs). In total, there are 6236 verses.
The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibtiion, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The Ascending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind
Muat turun dan membaca Al-Quran oleh Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
Muslim percaya bahawa Al-Quran itu hanya diturunkan dalam bahasa Arab klasik asal.
Tetapi kepentingan Islam tumbuh dan terjemahan diperlukan. versi ini, Yusuf Ali Quran adalah terjemahan yang paling setia dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali adalah seorang ulama Islam lahir di India yang menterjemahkan al-Quran ke dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Apabila dia adalah seorang kanak-kanak mendapat pendidikan agama, dia belajar Kesusasteraan Inggeris dan pergi ke beberapa universiti Eropah. Beliau menumpukan usaha beliau kepada kajian al-Quran.
Pada tahun 1934 dia mula menterjemahkan Al-Quran yang telah diterbitkan pada tahun 1938, di Lahore, India.
Beliau meninggal dunia di London pada tahun 1953.
terjemahannya menjadi versi Bahasa Inggeris yang paling banyak digunakan dalam buku Kudus.
Menikmatinya kini pada telefon anda!
Cari versi Indah bertulis daripada al-Quran, Firman Allah.
Muat turun aplikasi kami dan mempunyai al-Quran lengkap, dibahagikan kepada bab-bab yang dipanggil Suras dan setiap seorang daripada ini dibahagikan kepada ayat-ayat (ayat). Secara keseluruhan, terdapat 6236 ayat.
Surah surah 114: 1 Pembuka, 2 Lembu, 3 Keluarga Imran, 4 Wanita, 5 The Table Spread, 6 Lembu, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 Taubat ini, 10 Yunus, 11 Hud , 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 semut, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 Orang-orang Rom, 31 Luqman, 32 The Sujud, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Pencipta, 36 Ya Sin, 37 mereka yang menetapkan Pangkat, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 The Pengampun 41 Dijelaskan dalam Detail, 42 The Perundingan, 43 The Perhiasan emas, 44 Smoke, 45 Crouching The, Sandhills 46 The Wind-melengkung , 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winds jelasnya, 52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 Ar-Rahman, 56 The Tidak dapat dielakkan, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 Dia yang diperiksa, 61 The pangkat, 62 The Congregation, 63 Orang-orang munafik 64 The Mutual kekecewaan, 65 Perceraian ini, 66 The Prohibtiion, 67 The Kedaulatan, 68 The Pen, 69 realiti, 70 The menaik Tangga, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 enshrouded One, 74 The diselaputi One, 75 Kebangkitan, 76 Man, 77 The utusan, 78 The Tidings, 79 Orang-orang yang menyeret sebagainya, 80 Dia memasamkan muka, 81 The Overthrowing, 82 Bahawa Tuhanmu telah memerintahnya, 83 The menipu, 84 The Sundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 yang Maha Tinggi, 88 The hangat, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 The malam, 93 Waktu Pagi, 94 Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 Bukti yang jelas nyata, 99 Gempa Bumi, 100 The Courser, 101 Hari yang menggemparkan, 102 The Persaingan dalam peningkatan dunia, 103 The Penurunan Day, 104 The pencaci, 105 gajah, 106 Quraisy, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 Abundance ini, 109 orang-orang kafir, 110 The Divine Sokongan, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The keikhlasan, 113 The Daybreak, 114 Umat Manusia